Jury Committee

Jury members for the Fifth session 2021 – 2022

Professor Jan Paulsson

Head of Jury Committee

Professor of Law at the University of Miami and Founding Partner of Three Crowns LLP, Jan Paulsson has been appointed an arbitrator in over 150 cases and acted as advocate in over 500 arbitrations to date. Moreover, he has authored a number of books  including ‘Denial of Justice in International Law,’ published by Cambridge University Press in 2005, and ‘The Idea of Arbitration’, published by Oxford University Press in 2013. A member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague, Paulsson is a former Centennial Professor at the London School of Economics and a former President of the International Council for Commercial Arbitration. Throughout his distinguished career he has been the recipient of a number of prestigious awards including the Order of Bahrain, election as an Honorary Bencher of Gray’s Inn and Profesor honorario, Universidad peruana de ciencias aplicadas.

H.E Mohammed bin Isa


He occupies Mohamed Bin Issa is currently the mayor of authentic in Morocco and the Secretary General of the Asilah Forum Foundation. Ibn Issa track record in the diplomatic and political work, the work of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and then became minister of culture in Morocco between 1985 and 1992, and served as ambassador to the United States during the period 1993 to 1999, and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation from 1999 to 2007. granted by His Majesty King of Morocco, King Mohammed VI Order of the throne of the first class in 2008, and has won numerous awards and accolades from many countries of the world.

Professor Farhan Nizami


Professor Farhan Nizami CBE (D.Phil.Oxon) is the Founder Director of the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies, and the Prince of Wales Fellow, Magdalen College, Oxford University. He is an Emeritus Fellow of St Cross College and a member of the Faculties of Modern History and Asian and Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Oxford. He is Founder Editor of the Journal of Islamic Studies (OUP, 1990-); Series Editor, Makers of Islamic Civilization (OUP, 2004-). He specializes in Muslim social and intellectual history.

Professor Achyuta Samanta


Professor Achyuta Samanta is the founder and Mentor of Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences and Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology, currently he is a member of Parliament, Lok Sabha (Kandhamal, Odisha)

He received multiple international prizes including Isa Award for Service to Humanity in 2015

Professor Riyad Yousif Hamzah


His the Secretary General of the Higher Education Council (in the rank of Deputy Minister), appointed since June 2011.  And his organized, participated in, and given plenary lectures at numerous international and regional scientific conferences.
He is currently serving on the International Advisory Committee for the Journal of the Council of Arab Universities for Applied Research, and served as the Editor-in-Chief of the Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research. He is also currently serving as a Board Member of several international scientific and educational journals, and is a member of the Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) based in Trieste, Italy.
He has received numerous awards for achievement, including the Award for Bahrain Pioneers of Modern Times by His Highness Shaikh Isa bin Salman Al Khalifa, the late Amir of Bahrain, in 1997. In 2011, he was awarded the Distinctive Medal, First Degree, from His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, the King of Bahrain.